Center City offers a buffet of living arrangements. Almost any Center City condominium with a smattering of exposed brick attempts to pass itself off as a loft. Often sought after as an expression of one's own style, loft living has…

Center City offers a buffet of living arrangements. Almost any Center City condominium with a smattering of exposed brick attempts to pass itself off as a loft. Often sought after as an expression of one's own style, loft living has…
Every spring, my phone starts ringing off the hook with students and or parents of students who will be attending Jefferson Medical School. My name is Mark Wade, and I am a realtor in Center City Philadelphia. Many of these…
Read More Condos near Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia
If the adage location, location, location were as etched in stone as it is etched in many buyers minds, then there would be little price difference between The Wanamaker House Condos at 2020 Walnut St., and its high-rise condominium neighbor,…
Read More Putting a Value on Philadelphia Pre-War Condominiums Cache
Open houses are great. What a wonderful collection of folks who may at any time walk right in your front door. And each one is different from the next.... 1) The Tourist: "Oh, we're from Ohio and just visiting. We…
Not giving an inch may cost you a mint in a real estate transaction. Back in the 1960's, Tarryton Cigarettes had the saying "I'd Rather Fight Than Switch". Personally, I think I would give up my specific brand of cigarettes…
Center City offers a buffet of living arrangements. Almost any Center City condominium, with a smattering of exposed brick, attempts to pass itself off as a loft. Often sought after as an expression of one's own style, loft living has…
Today's Condo Manta should be: "Association, Association, Association" Condominium Associations Policies Are Playing a Heavier Role In Value Determination. Many condo buyers are dismissing the old adage of "Location, Location, Location" as being the primary determining factor in the value…
A blind man knows when the sun is shining, and even a casual observer can spot a poorly operated condominium association. A lax set of rules and regulations, perceptually poor upkeep, higher than usual percentage of rentals, restrictive pet policies,…
Read More Buyers Should Scrutinize the Dealings of a Condo Association Too
Here in Center City Philadelphia, low rise condominiums (LRCs) are numerous and are often favored by many buyers. LRCs are generally characterized by buildings that are less than four stories tall and generally have less than twenty condominium units in…
Read More Defining Low Rise Condominiums in Center City Philadelphia
How might the former affect the latter in a Philadelphia condominium? Pet policies throughout the Philadelphia condominium landscape are as varied as the associations who put forth their rules regarding pets. From exceedingly liberal, to exceedingly exclusionary, pet policies have a way…