High Rise Condos in Center City Philadelphia - Waterfront Square

High Rises

From The Hopkinson House to The Beaumont and Rivers Edge to Locust Point, you will find all the information you need about Center City Philadelphia High Rises here.
CondoNameAddressNeighborhoodPets AllowedParkingDoormanFitness Center

2401 Pennsylvania Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19130

Art Museum AreaNoRentalYesYes
LocustPoint-FitlerSquareLocust Point2429 Locust St. 
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Fitler SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
AcademyHouse-1Academy House1420 Locust St. 
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Avenue of The ArtsCats OnlyRentalYesYes
SocietyHillTowersTomSmitley-1Society Hill Towers200-220 Locust St. 
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Society HillCats OnlyRentalYesYes
Independence-placeIndependence Place233-241 S. 6th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Society HillCats & Dogs AllowedRentalYesNo
The_ellingtonThe Ellington1500 Chestnut St. 
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Avenue of The ArtsCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesYes
Arthaus Condominiums exterior drone imageThe Arthaus

301 S. Broad St. 
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Avenue of The ArtsCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
Tivoli_condominiumsThe Tivoli1900 Hamilton Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Art Museum AreaCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
1326_Spruce_CenterCityOneCenter City One1326-42 Spruce St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Avenue of The ArtsCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesNo
OneRiversideCondos-400x300-1One Riverside 210-220 S. 25th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Fitler SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
Phoenix-CondosThe Phoenix1600 Arch St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Logan SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
1414_Penn_Square_CondosRitz Carlton1414 S. Penn Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Avenue of The ArtsCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
1101WashingtonAveLofts at Bella Vista1101 Washington Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Bella VistaCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
2200_Arch_CondosHighRiseCondos2200 Arch St. Condos2200 Arch St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Logan SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
twoLibertyCondosHighRiseCondosTwo Liberty Place50 S. 16th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
RittenhouseCondosHighRisecondosRittenhouse Hotel202-10 W Rittenhouse Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
waterfront-squareHighRiseCondosWaterfront Square901 N. Penn St.
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Northern LibertiesCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
MuranoCondosHighRisecondosThe Murano2101 Market St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
1901WalnutStreetHighRisecondosRittenhouse Plaza1901 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesNo
1811entranceHighRiseCondosThe Belgravia1811 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesYes
PackardGrandeHighRisecondosPackard Grande111 S 15th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Avenue of The ArtsCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesYes
2601ParkwayExteriorHighRisecondos2601 Parkway Condos2601 Pennsylvania Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Art Museum AreaCats & Dogs AllowedSomeYesYes
hopkinson-house-condos-3HighRisecondosHopkinson House 

604-36 S. Washington Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Society HillCats OnlySomeYesNo
wanamaker_house_condosHighRiseCondosWanamaker House

2018-2020 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Rittenhouse SquareCats OnlySomeYesYes

224 W. Rittenhouse Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Rittenhouse SquareNoRentalYesYes
BarclayHighRiseCondosThe Barclay237 S. 18th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesYes
2301CherryHighRiseCondosRivers Edge2301 Cherry St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Logan SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesNo
grandview_condominiums-2HighRisecondosGrandview1100 Vine St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Washington Sq. WestCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesYes
2001_Hamilton_Street_CondosHighRiseCondosCityview2001 Hamilton St.
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Art Museum AreaCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
savoyHighRisecondosRittenhouse Savoy1806-10 Rittenhouse Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats OnlyNoYesYes
symphony_houseHighRiseCondosSymphony House440 S. Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
Avenue of The ArtsCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
Parc-RittenhouseCondos-1HighRiseCondosParc Rittenhouse219 S. 18th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
WesternUnionHighRisecondosWestern Union

1101 Locust St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Washington Sq. WestCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
1920Chestnut-1HighRisecondos1920 Chestnut St. Condos 1920 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesYes
220RittenhouseHighRiseCondos"220"220 W. Rittenhouse Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats OnlyNoYesNo
210westwashingtonHighRisecondosThe Ayer210 W. Washington Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Washington Sq. WestCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
1701-locustHighRisecondosWarwick1701 Locust St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesYes
108-Arch-Condos-PhiladelphiaHighRisecondos108 Arch St. Condos108 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Old CityCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesNo
RiverWestHighRisecondosRiver West 2101 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesNo
10-Rittenhouse-door-man10 Rittenhouse130 South 18th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Fitler SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
2135_walnut_condos-300x300-HighRisecondosWalnut Plaza2135 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoNoNo
beaumontHighRisecondosBeaumont 110 S Front Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Old CityCats & Dogs AllowedYesNoNo
1830RittenhouseHighRisecondos1830 Rittenhouse1830 Rittenhouse Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesYes
2201-Cherry-12201 Cherry Condos

2201 Cherry St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Logan SquareCats & Dogs AllowedSomeYesNo
1919ChestnutHighRiseCondosWilliam Penn House1919 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareNoSomeYesYes
1706-rittenhouse-MidRisecondos1706 Rittenhouse1706 Rittenhouse Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
250S17thHighRiseCondos250 S. 17th St. 250 S. 17th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesNo
laurelHighRiseCondosThe Laurel1911 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
Dockside-HighRiseCondosDockside717 S Columbus Blvd. 
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Penns LandingCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
AriaCenterCityCondosThe Aria1425 Locust St.
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Avenue of The ArtsCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesYes
1900Rittenhouse_HighRisecondos1900 Rittenhouse1900 Rittenhouse Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesNo
500Walnut500 Walnut Condos500 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Society HillCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
444LoftsHighRiseCondos444 Lofts444 N. 4th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Northern LibertiesCats & Dogs AllowedYesYesYes
1820RittenhouseHighRiseCondos18201820 Rittenhouse Sq.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedSomeYesNo
LanesboroughHighRiseCondosLanesborough1601 Locust St.
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoYesYes
RittenhousePlaceHighRiseCondosRittenhouse Place275 South 19th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Rittenhouse SquareCats & Dogs AllowedNoNoNo
The Kennedy House Co-opThe Kennedy House

1901 John F. Kennedy Blvd. 
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Rittenhouse Square Cats OnlyYesYesYes

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